Thursday, February 16, 2017

Difference between Build, Rebuild and Clean

This article gives you explanation about Difference between Build, Rebuild and Clean

If you are using Visual studio you might have question that what is difference between Build, Rebuild and Clean ? here we are going to understand the diversity between them.

Build :
 When we build any solution then Visual studio will build/compile all assemblies (Dlls and EXE's) that are changed, it is basically incremental or partial process in which only CHANGED assemblies are compiled if there is no changed assemblies it won't get build

Rebuild :
It is full compiled case, in which all assemblies (either changed or not) are deleted and recompiled again, irrespective of changed or not

Clean :
It is not compile case, it just delete all assemblies (Dlls and EXE's) from folder but not compiled them again, it remove all compiled files from previous build

Hope you understand this simple article

Thanks and Happy building